GVI’s History and Our 2023-24 Transition

GVI was founded in 2011 in Westport, CT and by 2015 had fully moved its base of operations and programs to focus on Bridgeport, CT.

In 2015 GVI underwent a leadership change and shifted to paid staff after years of operating as a fully volunteer-run organization. In 2017 this new staff led GVI through a shift that incorporated values of racial equity and antiracism into new goals, which became centered on food justice.

In 2021, GVI’s 5 year lease from the city of Bridgeport for the land that hosts Reservoir Community Farm was coming to an end, and plans to refuse a renewal of the lease and redevelop the land threatened the farm and GVI’s future.

Our community showed up to support the farm big-time, and through petitioning, showing up at important meetings, conducting surveys to quantify the benefit of the farm, and more. Thanks to this support we secured a new lease after many months of shifting our focus to this campaign for a new lease. Although this was a big win for food justice in Bridgeport, it consumed a lot of our resources and time and put significant stress on our organization.

In 2023, due to shifts in our funding and the shifts in resources and attention that the campaign for a renewed lease took up, we found that our organization was not in a sustainable position to continue our past programming in the same way.

We needed to scale back, shift resources, and reasess how to continue our mission and work. Unfortunately, this meant that we could no longer employ most of our past team and needed to pause some programming while finding new ways to support urban farming and gardening in Bridgeport.

In late 2023 through early 2024, we worked to shift ownership, tools, and responsibility for our community gardens to community garden captains. We opened up new partnerships with other organizations in Bridgeport to continue supporting youth education and leadership. We received generous funding through grants with funders that believe in our mission and wanted to support us in our transition.

In 2024, we are using Reservoir Community Farm as the core site for our work to create a more just food system in Bridgeport, CT. We are driving this effort by 1) offering education and training opportunities, 2) hosting local urban farmers, and 3) engaging the community (through everything from offering affordable and nutritious food to a space for volunteer days).

GVI’s board and Transition Team are working hard to advance exciting plans for the future and ensure that our land remains as a space where urban farmers, especially Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) farmers can cultivate food and community in Bridgeport.

You can find some FAQs about our 2023-24 transition below.

Is GVI closing?

No. We have scaled back our team and programming but are still an active organization offering volunteer opportunities, growing food at Reservoir Community farm, and more. We have found new community partnerships and sources of funding to grow our capacity in 2024. We are also still looking for new partnerships. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow our social media for the latest updates.

Can I still volunteer with GVI?

Yes, the Reservoir Community Farm will still need your help.  The way this looks will be different from years past but we rely on volunteer support to keep the farm going.  To stay informed please sign up for our newsletter or you can email us at info@gogvi.org.

Can I still donate to GVI?

Yes, GVI is not closing so we still rely on your generosity to help keep our mission going.  All of your donations will still be tax deductible.  GVI will look different but our core values are still in place and your donations will help keep us moving forward.

Are there resources available to learn about gardening?

Yes! All information will be available on our website under the tab “RESOURCES”  Here is a link to the gardening specific resources https://www.gogvi.org/for-growers.

Where can I learn more about food justice?

In November, 2023 we released “The Food Justice Framework.” The FJF serves as a guide for people who are interested in incorporating food justice and racial equity into their organizations’ work, but who don’t know where to start. Here is a link to the FJF https://www.gogvi.org/the-food-justice-framework & here is a link where you can find information about food access in Bridgeport https://www.gogvi.org/new-page-3.

I am a teacher, do you have any resources for my classroom?

Yes, We have extensive resources for K-6 teachers (these resources can be adapted to 6-12 as well) including lesson plans, bilingual materials, professional development workshops and much more at https://www.gogvi.org/for-educators.

Where can I contact GVI?

The email address info@goGVI.org will be monitored by GVI Volunteer Board members.  You can sign up at our website for a monthly newsletter with updates and developments.  Our website will be updated regularly so please check back at www.goGVI.org for updates. 

Will GVI maintain the same mailing address? 

Yes, until further notice, our mailing address is 135 Clarence Street, Bridgeport, CT 06608.